DoD Secure-Working with National Industrial Security Program
Interviews and topics centering on security clearances and protecting classified information according to the National Industrial Security Clearance Operating Manual (NISPOM).
DoD Secure-Working with National Industrial Security Program
NISPOM Codifying, Guidance, Cleared Defense Contractors, and all those CFRs
The latest industry buzz is the “release of the new National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)”. I’m putting air quotes in there, because an actual NISPOM has not been rewritten or re-released. There is no re-release of NISPOM, only a reorganization of the CFRs that duplicate National Industrial Security Program requirements.
Conclusion: No new NISPOM (just a few additions)
· 32 CFR part 117 and 32 CFR part 2004 are redundant requirements
· DoD will no longer publish the DoD Manual 5220.22, NISPOM as a DoD policy issuance in 32 CFR part 117.
· 32 CFR part 2004, “National Industrial Security Program” is now the standing CFR
· NISPOM Change 2 is still a requirement that Cleared Defense Contractor (CDC) must follow
A quick read will review that there actually is no new NISPOM. This information just codifies (fancy legal term for: arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.).
You might know that the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has had a large role in developing NISPOM. Primarily DNI oversees the protection of National Intelligence Information in the hands of the cleared defense contractors. Additionally, DNI has had executive roles In relation to the 2008 publication of E.O. 13467, “Reforming Processes Related to Suitability for Government Employment, Fitness for Contractor Employees, and Eligibility for Access to Classified National Security Information.
Biggest Impact: Reporting based on 13 Adjudicative Criteria, SF-86, and SEAD 3
SEAD 3 identifies required reporting of data elements that are contained in the Standard Form-86, “Questionnaire for National Security Positions” used in requesting
NISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractors.
Bennett Institute
Online security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.
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FSO Consulting:
NISPOM Compliance
We provide facility security clearance, personnel security clearance, FSO consulting and NISPOM consulting.
Personnel Security Clearances
- How to get a clearance
- What to expect once you get a clearance
- What you can do to prepare for a clearance
Facility Security Clearance
✓Become a CDC Contractor
✓Determine security requirements for SECRET, TOP SECRET and SCI Clearances
✓Establish a security team to protect classified information
✓Develop and provide required security training
✓Prepare for government inspections
✓Interpret Contract specifications
✓Fight Insider threat
✓Learn Security clearance levels
✓Process Classified information
✓Prepare Derivative Classification
✓Provide required Security Training
✓Appointing a Facility Security Officer
✓Prepare for Government Audits